An Analysis of the Use of Educational Resources of Private Universities in Beijing& A case study on the fundamental construction of Beijing City University 北京民办高校教育资源利用分析&以北京城市学院的校园基本建设为事例
With the demands of fundamental construction in cold regions or special construction environment, it is more necessary to research the problems occurring in frozen rock mechanics. 随着寒区或特殊施工环境条件下基础设施建设的需要,越来越有必要对冻结岩石力学问题进行深入的研究。
In order to keep fast, steady and healthy development trend, we must be fully aware of the situation and speed up the fundamental construction. 要继续保持快速、稳定、健康的发展势头,就必须认清形势,统筹安排,加快各项设施建设。
Investment controlling is an important link in the fundamental construction management. 投资控制是基本建设管理工作中的一个重要环节。
The study on the law of discipline construction, emphasizing on discipline evaluation, is put into a key place, due to its establishment as the fundamental construction in colleges and at universities. 随着学科建设在高校基础性建设地位的确定,对学科建设规律的研究也得到了人们的重视,而学科评估是学科建设过程中的重要内容。
The paper introduces the success and experiences achieved in the fundamental construction of the Chinese railway traffic safety in 1994-1996 and guiding ideology, targets and measures for intensifying the fundamental construction in 1997. 阐述了1994~1996年全路安全基础建设所取得的成就和经验及1997年深化安全基础建设的指导思想、奋斗目标及其实现措施。
With the coming of the information society, development of the informatization construction is being strongly pushed ahead in the communications trades, and the computer techniques are widely applied in the field of the communications fundamental construction projects. 随着信息社会即将到来,交通行业正在大力推动信息化建设的发展,计算机技术在交通基本建设项目领域也得到了广泛应用。
It should be proceeded from fundamental construction of the financial system to prevent and dissolve the financial risk, such as to improve the legal system and the right of property. 防范和化解金融风险需要从金融制度的基础性建设入手,如完善法律体系和产权制度等。
Through analyzing on the concept of digital library and designing the fundamental construction scheme of network, and connecting with the fundamental construction project of digital library of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, this paper expounds some problems that must be considered in the construction of digital library. 通过分析数字图书馆的概念和网络基础建设方案的设计,结合广东外语外贸大学数字图书馆的基础建设工程,阐述了建设数字图书馆必须考虑的各种问题。
The fundamental construction, working principle and main technical parameters of composite instrument panel of the Audi model 100 car are presented in this article. 介绍了奥迪100型轿车组合仪表的基本结构和工作原理以及主要技术参数。
Reviews the methods of defrosting control of air source heat pumps, puts forward the idea of self tuning fuzzy defrosting control, and presents the fundamental construction, the method for determining the input domain and converting input parameters to fuzzy data. 回顾了空气热源热泵除霜控制方法,提出了自调整模糊除霜控制的思想,介绍了系统的基本结构,输入论域的确定,输入量的模糊化和模糊推理方法。
According to the model of GEM, our country can develop nongovernmental enterprises cluster by way of fundamental construction, enterprises 'construction and market's construction. 根据GEM模型,我国可以从基础建设、企业建设和市场建设三个方面着手发展民营企业集群。
As our country has joined in WTO, the development of Chinese economy is very rapid and the constant of the fundamental construction's invent scale is enlarging. So it is very urgent to control the cost of the total project construction in the Chinese building market. 在我国加入WTO之后,随着经济的快速发展和基本建设投资规模的不断扩大,中国建筑市场对建筑工程项目进行全过程工程造价控制的要求十分迫切。
Transportation has several kinds of natures, such as a physical production sector, a public service and fundamental construction at the same time; 运输业同时具有物质生产部门、公共服务业和基础结构等多重属性;
In this paper, we firstly describe the system analysis and design of the fundamental construction management system of a power plant, and give a data flow diagram and main modules of this system. 本文描述了一个基于局域网的电厂基建管理系统的分析和设计过程,并给出了系统的部分数据流程图和主要的功能模块;
Category and component of porous media for combustion of metal fiber burner, as well as fundamental construction and properties of the metal fiber burner were introduced. 介绍了金属纤维燃烧器燃烧用多孔介质的种类和组成成分、金属纤维燃烧器的基本构造和性能特点。
Based on the analysis of the contrast between advantage on rich tourist resource and current poor situation of tourism development, the paper presents countermeasures& opinions on conducting propagation, improving management and protection for wetland, strengthening fundamental construction of tourist facilities, etc. 在分析保护区丰富的旅游资源等优势与现阶段旅游发展现状的反差基础上,提出了开展宣传、加强湿地保护与管理、加强旅游基础设施建设等今后开发对策。
Evaluation of higher education institutions benefits libraries a lot in respect of fundamental construction, service and management, but on the other hand it also brings certain negative disadvantages. 普通高等学校评估促使高校图书馆在基础设施建设、服务工作和管理等方面有了很大的改善,但也带来了一定的负面影响。
Post-evaluation& An Important Procedure in Fundamental Construction of Water Conservancy Projects 后评价是水利工程基本建设的重要程序
Mainly regarding to the "Three-excess" phenomenon occurred in fundamental construction items, to analysis the influencing factors in the course of the two primary phases ( decision-making phase and design phase) of investment control, and accordingly take measures. 主要针对基本建设项目出现的三起现象,从投资控制的两个主要阶段(决策阶段和设计阶段)进行影响因素分析,并就此相应采取措施。
The cultivation and perfection of the estate markets is a fundamental construction of the whole economic system. 土地是主要的生产要素之一。建立社会主义市场经济体系必须发展地产市场。
In addition, building from three generations leading collective advanced untiring exploration with advance of party of construction in party of party historical experiences made read, prove too that advanced construction is the fundamental construction of the party. 另外,从党的三代领导集体对党的先进性建设的不懈探索和党的先进性建设所取得的历史经验来看,也证明先进性建设是党的建设的根本。
Therefore, Lanzhou should orient its future development towards natural ecology preservation and ecological environment construction while speeding up city fundamental construction, promoting city image and pushing on the economic social development standard. 因此,兰州市未来发展战略的主攻方向应以实施自然生态保护和生态环境建设为主,以加快城市基本建设,提升城市形象为辅,进一步推进经济社会的发展水平。
Capacity building to strengthen the civil service, and improve the ability to govern and administrative level, has always been a fundamental construction of the building of the civil service. 加强公务员队伍能力建设,提高执政能力和行政水平,始终是公务员队伍建设的一项根本性建设。
The scale and quantity of the domestic fundamental construction increase continuously with the developing and good operation of the state economy. 随着国家经济的发展和持续良好的运行,国内基础设施建设,从规模到数量上,都呈现持续增长的势头。
The first part including academic origin, fundamental construction, expressive form and essence of norm elaborates in customary norms 'general theory. 上篇主要阐述习惯性规范的一般理论,包括习惯性规范的学术渊源,基本构造、表达形式和规范实质。
After the liquid crystal television fundamental construction, the principle of work, the outward appearance form and each kind of service pattern had the preliminary understanding has launched the market investigation and study. 在对液晶电视机基本构造、工作原理、外观形式及各种制式有了初步认识后展开了市场调研。
As the macro-scale fundamental construction, power grid project has important impact on national economy. 电网建设工程作为大型基本建设项目对国民经济发展有着重要的影响,因此对电网建设工程进行后评价有着十分现实的必要性。
Social insurance is the main component of social security system, the system of socialist market economy is a fundamental construction, a perfect social insurance fund information system is the guarantee of balance. 社会保险是社会保证体系的重要组成部分,是社会主义市场经济体制的一项基础性建设,一个完善的社会保险信息系统是社保基金收支平衡的有力保障。